Avid Reader

Trying this out. I may or may not move from Goodreads.

The Mind's Eye (Doctor Who)

Doctor Who: The Mind's Eye - Colin Brake I enjoyed this quite a bit. It was an interesting look into Peri and Erimem's psyches. I only wish that they could have come up with something a little more original than the old 'an alien life form alters Our Heroes' behavior in some way' trope.

I continue to enjoy Peri as a character. Big Finish shows us that she /can/ be an interesting, relatable character, despite her less than stellar on screen appearances. It just goes to prove that it's all in the writing.

I'm surprised that they are telegraphing Erimem's exit so soon--in fact, they've been doing so it little ways throughout her series. I'll be sorry when I hear her last audio--the character really did add something to the dynamic in the TARDIS. Five, Peri and Erimem have become favorites of mine, quite by my own surprise.

Currently reading

The Last Hour of Gann
R. Lee Smith
Progress: 34 %
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
David Allen
Twelve Sharp
Janet Evanovich
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Stephen King
The Hidden Family
Charles Stross
Scott Westerfeld
How to Write a Damn Good Mystery: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide from Inspiration to Finished Manuscript
James N. Frey
What Angels Fear
C.S. Harris
Miles, Mystery, and Mayhem
Lois McMaster Bujold
Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot
Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer